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Apprenticeship ceremony

2022-10-21 16:34

Bowing, serving tea, reciting oaths... On the afternoon of the 26th, the company held a master apprenticeship ceremony in the conference room. Five pairs of masters and apprentices swore an oath and signed a master-apprentice agreement. The whole ceremony was traditionally solemn and full of warmth.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the general manager Chen Jianjian read out the list of master-apprentice pairings. The apprentices held fragrant tea in their hands and bowed to their respective masters. The masters received and drank tea with both hands. The thirst for knowledge, drinking is the care for the apprentice and the responsibility of the teacher, a simple ceremony that represents the inheritance of knowledge and technology.

A cup of tea for apprenticeship conveys the love between master and apprentice. The masters are the backbone of the company, the apprentices are also thirsty for knowledge, and the masters and the apprentices are also friends. Guangwei Seiko will also usher in a new atmosphere in this succession.

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